Final Exam
Congratulations! I hope that everyone has enjoyed this class. Time for your Final Exam. Send your final exam to with the subject line Final Exam - HOL name. Choose 60 points of work to complete below. You can submit more, but only 60 will be graded.
(20 points)
In the last lesson, we discussed flying seahorse fishing and there was a prompt for it in the assignment asking whether wizards would participate in the muggle version of fishing. Now I want your opinion. The International Statute of Secrecy is in place and must be upheld, but do you believe muggle games should be widely played in the magical world as well instead being classified as strictly muggle? Do you believe the magical community already participates in many muggle games? Minimum 100 words.
Just Right:
(20 points)
Please come up with a game that has just enough magical elements incorporated that wizards would enjoy playing it, but just too little that muggles wouldn't notice the magical elements so they could also enjoy it. This should be a game that both muggles and wizarding folks can enjoy equally. Minimum 100 words.
Original Games:
(20 points)
Create your own game! This could be a muggle game or a magical one, the choice is yours. This is pretty straightforward, but be as creative as possible. The game can be goofy, impossible to play, a total joke, or really a legit game someone may enjoy, the choice is yours! Minimum 100 words.
Playing Pieces:
(20 points)
Create a new playing piece for your favorite board game. You can either design it in any way, upload to an image hosting site, and send in the picture with a sentence description of what it is, or you can write 100 words describing it.
Muggle to Magical:
(20 points)
Find a way to make a magical game muggle or a muggle game magical. You'd of course have to either remove or add magic to the game. Be sure to describe the original game, write a list of what you're changing, and then describe the totally new game in at least 100 words.
Class Survey:
Class Survey:
(Additional 10 points)
Complete this class survey so I can improve the class. This part is not mandatory but will give you an additional 10 points in case you missed any points throughout the semester.
Note: When submitting your final, include a note that you completed the survey so I can award you points.