Assignment Three
Welcome to your third assignment! All classwork should be sent to Title your homework HW 3 - HOL name. For instance, mine would be HW 3 - Iverian Gnash. As always, all HOL rules apply to every assignment option.
(10 points, 2 each)
1. Quidditch involves two different kinds of balls.
2. Quidditch was first played at Hogwarts.
3. Quodpot is mostly played in the United States.
4. Creaothceann is played with cauldrons on people's heads.
5. The Annual Broom Race is held in Switzerland.
Fill in the Blanks:
(10 points, 2 each)
1. Two teams consisting of _____ people - ____ chasers, two beaters, one keeper, one _____ - play Quidditch.
2. The match was recorded by Gertie ____ in _____ when she wrote it down in her _____.
3. The point of the game is to get the ____, which is what the ball is called in Quodpot, into the ____ which is situated at the ___ of the pitch.
4. Quodpot was created sometime in the ______ century by _______ Peasegood when his _____ accidentally exploded in his face when he was tossing it around.
5. This game was popular in ______ and mostly attracted the men who thought it would prove their _______ and courage even though out of the ______ players, usually only two survived the game.
Art Project:
(10 points)
You are going to design your own broom! I don't care how you do so, you can be as creative as you want, just as long as I can see a broom and you put some work into it. I know not everyone is artistically skilled, but just try :) (Note: If for accessibility reasons, this assignment is not doable, you can write 100 words about your broom creation)
(15 points)
Find any online quidditch game and play it. Try to get a really high score and send me a screenshot of your final page along with 50 words about the game, the url, how you play it, and what you thought of it. Are there any changes to that game you would propose?
Fallen Letters:
(20 points)
Complete this fallen letters puzzle.

(20 points)
Pick one of the broom games we talked about and do some research on someone who played it. Tell me a bit about that player, who they are, how they got into the sport, a bit about their life, that sort of thing. Minimum 100 words.
Changing it up:
(30 points)
Choose one game we discussed in this lesson and change something about it. Maybe it is a rule of the game, how more specifically how it's played. Maybe everyone has to use a certain brand of broomstick or a certain kind of glove. Maybe they have to use the Summoning spell at least one during the game. Minimum 200 words. To reach word count, you can also choose another game and write 100 on each if it makes it easier.