Assignment Four
Welcome to your last assignment before the final! All classwork should be sent to Title your homework HW4 - HOL name. For instance, mine would be HW4 - Iverian Gnash. As always, all HOL rules apply to every assignment option.
10 points, 2 each - correct the statement if false
1. Shuntbumps is played on horses.
2. Jousting poles are called lances.
3. In Swivenhodge, the first person to reach forty points wins.
4. To catch the seahorses, the Seize and Pull Charm is used.
5. Dueling is also used as a form of combat.
Short Answer:
10 points
1. Where was Shuntbumps first invented?
2. What is closely related to Swivenhodge?
3. Who tried to ban duelling?
4. What newspaper posts various puzzles and riddles that was mentioned in the lesson?
5. Who created the Potions Puzzle?
10 points
Pick a game we talked about and put a twist to it. You can do this however you like, it just has to resemble the game and have some element that has been changed. Minimum 80 words.
(15 points)
Shuntbumps is quite a dangerous game trying to knock others off of their brooms. How can it be made safer? Write a bit about some safety rules put into place for the game or rules changed about game play that would make it safer in at least 100 words.
(15 points)
I mentioned there being Flying Seahorse Fishing in the lesson, but do you think wizards ever just fish in the regular muggle way? If so, why would they do something that's supposedly a muggle sport? If not, why wouldn't they? Write your opinion in at least 100 words.
(20 points)

Send me a screenshot of your completed puzzle and the phrase.
(30 points)
Jouster's usually wear brightly colored uniforms when they joust. For this assignment, I want you to design a uniform that you would wear if you were jousting. You can do this in an art project or in at least 200 words.